There’s a movement quietly happening with a great message to share – probably right in your own town. If you’re already an active part of the penguin loving community, you might have heard already… Pennies for Penguins is about raising money to help save the African Penguins. Zoos and Aquariums around the country are campaigning with the message, collect your change and donate it to help save our penguin friends.
African Penguin populations have been declining rapidly, various sources have reported that the population has decreased by 42 percent in the last five years. In December of 2008, it was proposed that the African Penguin be listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. A number of facilities are working hard to help with the breeding program (African Penguin Species Survival Plan) to increase the penguin numbers.

You can Help!
Start collecting your spare change. Find a facility that is participating in the program and donate to the cause! You can also donate directly to the SANCCOB – the South African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds. On their website that have a number of options for ways to help, including an “adopt a penguin” program. For R500 ($63.00 US as of this writing) you can adopt and named a penguin.
One example: in Stampford, Connecticut, a 15 year old girl name Shannon collected $1000 to help Pennies for penguins. She donated the money to the Mystic Aquarium & Institute for Exploration this past Friday.
You just need to get started, to make a difference!